The Times Australia

Businesses Success Stories

Businesses should look to an agency that will focus on the specific needs of its client. The staff at the agency might be capable of performing a lot of different services but for each client, they should be able to focus on doing one task very very well.

In the preliminary stages an agency should be able to offer insights into how working with them will show better ROI for a digital spend then competitors.

They need to be able to send leads to a sales team very early in a campaign.

An agency that is being considered must be able to demonstrate that they can dramatically improve SEO outcomes, Google Ad performance and boost Social Media conversations.

An agency must be able to design a new landing page on a client's website so as to leverage the viewers interest in the marketing material that initiated the visit to the web page

Why do businesses need an Australian digital marketing agency?

Marketing is a little like fishing. Information is placed in deliberately chosen online locations to attract potential customers to a product, service or a specific professional service provider. An effective digital agency will put a client's business in front of the people who are likely to be need the client's products or services. The Internet is best place to reach a specific audience but creating a positive first impression is vital. People will move on if they are not attracted to digital messaging. It is the same with bricks and mortar businesses. Think Apple stores. They are always in prime locations, display products openly and offer first class customer service.

A digital agency will advise businesses that are smaller than Apple, on how to attract and convert new customers.

Most Apple customers read about a new iPhone for instance, before even setting foot in an Apple store. Online is where buying decisions are made. Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a wide audience and connect with people at the precise moment they are ready to make a purchase decision.

An agency has the expertise to make internet marketing work for any business. Putting website page high up in organic search engine results is an important part of marketing. It is not the only role but it is necessary to gain viewers for the client;s website and therefore its products, services or people.

Expensive Google clicks generate leads and sales but they come at a cost. There is no residual benefit. The ad is displayed in search results and Google gets paid. Organic search optimisation is a one time payment option. Content remains online permanently and attracts buyers at no cost going forward. .

A business' digital advertising budget is finite and most agencies will focus on organic search. The effectiveness of digital marketing actions will determine the success of any business. Most businesses have competitors and they will be doing their own marketing. An effective digital agency will be the one that outsmarts the agency working for the opposition.

A digital marketing agency in Australia will provide informed and verifiable advice about digital strategies and recommend online marketing services. They will create digital advertising campaigns that convert to sales and boost gross income.

What outcomes can digital marketing services create?

A business might best at what it does but if customers don't find the business online then "So what". Expertise and or great products are the foundation of a business but people have to know about it.

An experienced digital marketing agency will build online presence through the use of digital marketing strategies to focus attention on it's clients.

Look for a dedicated team of SEO, Google Ads, Social Media and CRO specialists with the digital expertise to offer creative solutions for small business owners or even large corporations. They will improve visibility in the crowded digital world to generate higher quality leads for the future.


SEO campaigns are designed to show the search engines that a particular website has the content that is the most helpful for a particular phrase (or keyword) that a person will search for on Google. The better the content, the higher the page will appear on a search result page. Appearing on the first page of Google is guaranteed to give a business' page the edge over any competitors who do not use a digital agency's services.

The SEO process is about finding the most appropriate keywords for a business' products or services before seeding the content on a website with those keywords. The key is to place back links to a business content on third party websites as the links will appear to Google as "votes" or recommendations.

Back links must be in the right places. A link from a junk website will bleed authority whereas a link placed on a high traffic, high authority page that appears in Google search will share authority and boost credibility.

An example would be an SEO service that is based in Sydney, seeding links on websites using the keywords "SEO Sydney". On the other hand, a marketing service in Perth would look to place links on web pages about marketing using the expression " best SEO service in Perth" within content on a high quality web page

Digital marketing is a not a single item. It is a suite of services that a business will need to gain a place among the best performers in their field of business.

Look for a digital agency that can handle content creation, link placement, landing page creation. They must have a track record based on years of experience and in house professional expertise.

Find out more. 1300 660 660 or email

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